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Nearing a Decision on Your CRM Selection? These Flexible Options Can Simplify Your Choices

In this series, we have discussed the critical need for asset managers to customize their CRM for asset management. The CRM serves as the cornerstone of their digital outreach strategies and has all the features and functionality they need to be most effective at raising capital. 

This blog highlights three  CRM platform options GK3 Capital provides that provide a range of choices as you near a decision point in your evaluation process. As one of the premier digital marketing firms focused exclusively on helping asset managers grow their business, we have successfully customized these platforms to elevate our clients' digital engagement strategies. Let's look at each individually.

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Option 1: AssetFlow AI - The All-In-One Integrated Platform

GK3 Capital's AssetFlow AI is a revolutionary turnkey asset-raising platform (TARP). This all-in-one solution offers a suite of AI-powered tools that enable you to raise capital easily and efficiently. Here are the key features and benefits:

  • Generate Leads: AssetFlow AI empowers you to generate leads effortlessly. It captures sales signals from every website interaction, including calls-to-action, links, and form submissions.
  • Smart CRM Powered by AI: Tired of sifting through leads that lead nowhere? AssetFlow AI's Smart CRM uses AI to engage with properly scored leads using personalized and automated outbound emails, ensuring your sales team focuses on the most important prospects.
  • Streamlined Sales and Marketing: AssetFlow AI's AI-powered automation engine streamlines your sales and marketing processes efficiently, from lead capture to conversion. It tracks and analyzes every lead interaction, ensuring personalized messaging at every stage.
  • Campaign Management Tools: Simplify outreach with easy campaign management tools. Use generative AI to eliminate content guesswork, as it generates sales scripts and other content instantly.

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Option 2: HubSpot - The Customizable Platform

GK3 Capital is a Platinum Certified Agency Partner of HubSpot, arguably the leading CRM platform in the market. HubSpot offers a highly customizable platform that connects all the tools needed to deliver a best-in-class customer experience in one place. Here's what you can expect from HubSpot:

  • Superior Customer Experience: HubSpot puts customers first, making customization simple and ensuring teams are connected through HubSpot's Smart CRM.
  • Simplified Technology: HubSpot eliminates silos between teams, offering a user-friendly experience, flexibility, and a lower total cost of ownership than cobbled-together solutions.
  • Connected Customer Experience: With a single source of truth, your teams can form deeper relationships with customers throughout their journey.
  • Strength in Integration: HubSpot's products are powerful on their own, but the real magic happens when you use them together.
  • Integrated Platform: While many clients already have enterprise tools in place for CRM, marketing automation, and website construction, HubSpot can supercharge existing technologies to capture and act on every "signal" in record time.

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Option 3: Salesforce Integration - Sync HubSpot or AssetFlow AI with Salesforce

HubSpot and AssetFlow AI both offer a Salesforce Integration with no technical set up required. In fact, AssetFlow AI was built by Salesforce engineers! Syncing Salesforce with HubSpot or AssetFlow AI has several powerful advantages:

  • Eliminate Manual Data Transfers: Say goodbye to manual data transfers and reduce the risk of errors with HubSpot's Salesforce integration.
  • Send Valuable Lead Intelligence: Experience seamless bi-directional sync and send vital lead intelligence like email opens, form submissions, and website activity to your sales team.
  • Close the Loop Between Marketing and Sales: Leverage Salesforce data to personalize emails, segment your database, and send emails on behalf of sales reps. Track revenue from closed-won deals in HubSpot, tying campaigns to actual revenue generated.
  • Automate Workflows: Seamlessly sync data between HubSpot and Salesforce to eliminate manual data entry and errors, boost productivity, and streamline workflows.


These options offer a variety of ways to enhance your capital-raising processes and elevate your digital engagement strategies. 

  • You can simplify your capital-raising process today with AssetFlow’s cost-effective, fully integrated platform
  • You can experience the flexibility of using HubSpot's CRM and add-on modules to customize a platform exactly the way you want.
  • You can leverage your existing CRM and integrate it with HubSpot or AssetFlow AI to turn your data into actionable insights 

No matter which approach you choose, each can set you on the right path to growing AUM as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Today's capital raising begins with digital engagement. To learn more about how these options can benefit your firm, schedule a personalized demo with us here

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Topics: Content Digital Marketing Digital Distribution Website Asset Management Sales Enablement CRM Lead Generation Automation Case Study