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Finding it Hard to Get in Front of New Advisors? If you are not monitoring and measuring the success of your digital marketing efforts in raising capital, you have no idea whether those precious marketing dollars are being spent wisely or not.And by not capturing and analyzing the data on which campaigns are working and which are not, you cannot make informed improvements to your marketing strategy. Chances are you are one to two years behind many of your competitors. 

In the world of asset management distribution, where strategies and markets evolve in the blink of an eye, your success in raising capital hinges on having a finely tuned digital marketing strategy that consistently meets the changing expectations of investment advisors. Yet, how often does your firm take a step back to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and digital outreach? 

As an asset management firm, your marketing efforts are the lifeblood of capital raising. However, the landscape is dynamic, and what worked yesterday likely won’t be effective tomorrow. The digital world changes rapidly, as do financial advisors' preferences and behaviors. If your marketing strategy remains stagnant, it's essentially a recipe for failure.

The Essential Marketing Audit

A well-executed marketing audit should assess the effectiveness of your campaigns relative to the dollars spent. It's about understanding what worked, what didn't, and most importantly, why. Failure to analyze and adapt means missed opportunities and potential capital left on the table.

Audit Essentials

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It’s pivotal for asset management firms to recognize the urgency of conducting a thorough marketing audit at least once each year. Failure to do so is not merely a missed opportunity; it's a step toward marketing decline. Evolving with the rapidly changing digital landscape and financial advisor preferences is necessary for success in raising capital.

In the next blog, How to Conduct the Vital Digital Marketing Audit, we discuss how to conduct a thorough audit and the various areas of your platform that need attention. If you are like many leading asset management firms, you’ll find that several of your digital programs are working well, while others require a tune-up or refinement. That’s what an audit reveals. And that’s what leads to a culture of constant improvement.

To learn more about DD360 and see if it can elevate your capital raising efforts, visit our webpage.

Topics: Content Digital Marketing Digital Distribution Website Asset Management Sales Enablement CRM Lead Generation Automation Technology