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How Long Should a Blog Article Be?

Asset managers often wrestle with the question of how long a blog post should be. They recognize their target audience - advisors - often have limited time to read and research, so writing a blog post that resonates but doesn’t overburden requires careful consideration of the post’s length. 

This article will look closely at blogs and explore data and other digital sources to get a better picture of the ideal post length. We’ll also explain why it is important to consider the length of a post when creating content.

How Long is Long Enough?

It is becoming increasingly common for content to be produced in shorter, bite-sized formats, and this trend has extended to blog posts. Understanding the ideal length of a blog post is even more important for asset managers creating content to engage with advisors.

GK3 Blog How Long Should a Blog Article Be_Number of Words

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how long a blog post should be, it should be no surprise that there is data available to provide guidance. According to a study by Orbit Media, the average blog post length has increased over time. The analysis looked at over 900 blogs and discovered that the average length of blog posts was now 1,054 words. 

Interestingly, the study found that the increased length correlated directly with increased engagement; posts over 2000 words produced the highest levels of user engagement and comments.

However, despite the increasing trend toward longer blog posts, there is still a place for shorter posts, particularly when it comes to social media. An analysis by BuzzSumo found that, on average, posts with fewer than 1,000 words had the highest levels of social engagement. As a result, short-form content has become increasingly popular, particularly among younger audiences.

Different Strokes

What does this data mean when deciding how long a blog post should be? The answer to this question depends on the post's purpose and the content's character. 

For example, where a blog post is meant to be an authoritative piece on complex subject matter, the writer may need to aim for 2,000 words or more to address all the essential details effectively. Conversely, if a blog post covers a topic the audience is already familiar with or is more of an opinion piece, a shorter post of fewer than 1000 words may be appropriate. 

Ultimately, the length of an asset manager’s blog post should be determined by the approach likely to resonate best with the advisor audience. 

Don’t Forget About Quality

While it's easy to get caught up in identifying the most effective length of a blog, the more critical factor is the quality of the post. For example, a 2000-word post written to the wrong target audience or on a topic of little interest to the right target audience will be entirely ineffective. Even worse, a poor-quality post can leave a negative impression on your target audience, preventing you from gaining any future footholds with your prospects.

Ensure that your blog content is of the highest quality, timely, relevant, and desired by your target audience, and the length of your posts will be of no concern to prospects you are trying to reach and engage with.

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